Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blue Ridge Mountain Boy: Walmart Slashing Food Prices

Blue Ridge Mountain Boy: Walmart Slashing Food Prices

Walmart Slashing Food Prices

According to Fox News' Bulls and Bears, Walmart will be slashing food prices by 1 billion dollars this year. Those who believe that inflation has hit the US economy believe this is a smart business move by Walmart to bring in more volume to their stores.
With gas prices heading towards the $4 gallon mark, Walmart's decision to cut food prices is good news for the American consumer.
While there are some who complain that Walmart hurts small businesses, in a tough economy, Walmart once again proves to a friend to the American consumer.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 2012 : HARP 2.0 Program Mortgage Refinance Guidelines (Official) | The Mortgage Reports : Today's Mortgage Rates & Strategy

There is hope for those who are underwater on their mortgages. Through the HARP 2 program, homeowners who owe more than their home are worth have an opportunity refinance their current mortgages. Read the guidelines below to see if your mortgage qualifies for refinancing through the HARP 2 program

March 2012 : HARP 2.0 Program Mortgage Refinance Guidelines (Official) | The Mortgage Reports : Today's Mortgage Rates & Strategy

Saturday, March 10, 2012

4 Reasons to Pass On the New iPad -

4 Reasons to Pass On the New iPad -

Quentin Fottrell makes some good points on why not to buy the new iPad*. As tech companies such as Apple* continue to push the latest version of their hot tech gadgets to consumers, buyers should take a close look before shelling out another $500. The features on the new iPad* are alluring, but if I already had a good tablet, I don't think I would rush out and buy the new iPad*, just like I probably will not buy a new laptop while my old one is functional.

However, if you do not own a tablet and you want to join the Apple* family, why not get the top of the line new iPad*. If I had the $500 to spare, I probably would go with the new iPad*. But since I don't have $500 to spare, I will have to be content with my iPod Touch* 4G or go with a less expensive tablet.

*Apple, iPad and iPod Touch are registered trademarks.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Senate Blocks Bid To Speed Keystone Approval -- But Obama Loses Dems Despite Lobbying | Fox News

Americans should be outraged at the latest antics of our President. At a time when gas prices are on the rise and many Americans are out of work, blocking an amendment that speed approval of the Keystone Pipeline is in my opinion ludicrous. It is reported that the underlying factor in blocking this amendment is lobbying by none other than, guess who, Barack Obama.

The Keystone Pipeline could lesson America's dependence on foreign oil, which is a big plus for America considering the unrest in the Middle East. Why keep America dependent on oil from nations like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela or other foreign powers? It seem like a no-brainer that America should take advantage of any energy resources available domestically or from Northern neighbor Canada.

In addition to helping wean America off of foreign oil, according to analysts the Keystone Pipeline could provide much needed jobs for US workers. With many Americans struggling to find employment, the estimated 20,000 jobs from the Keystone Pipeline could provide some relief.

Elvis Costello asks the question in one of his songs, "Whats so funny about peace, love and understanding?" Well, Mr. Obama, whats so wrong with our own oil, lower gas prices and job creation.

Senate Blocks Bid To Speed Keystone Approval -- But Obama Loses Dems Despite Lobbying | Fox News

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Betterment offers new investors with a minimal amount of capital to invest, the opportunity to invest in an ETF and treasury bonds. Investors can start with as little as a $10 investment and get to choose how their investment is allocated between the ETF and bonds. Dividends are automatically invested back into the account, which gives compounding growth to the account. Betterment charges no commissions but they do charge an account fee based on the amount of investment.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Good Instruction

Good instruction from Oswald chambers this morning.

in reference to: My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (view on Google Sidewiki)
